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  • Information regarding German MAUT and ETS

Information regarding German MAUT and ETS

We want to inform you about upcoming changes in the regulatory landscape that will impact intra-European transport, as outlined by both the German State and the EU. These changes will take effect at the close of 2023.

German Maut Increase - Effective December 1, 2023:

Beginning December 1, 2023, the German State will implement a notable adjustment to the German toll system, MAUT, affecting transport to and from Germany as well as transit to other countries. The increase primarily applies to vehicles weighing above 7.5 tonnes.

The specifics of the adjustments and their implications for the MAUT supplement are currently under clarification. Initial indications suggest a doubling of the current price levels. Further details regarding the impact on transportation will be communicated once the information is available.

ETS (Emissions Trading System) - Commencing January 1, 2024:

A significant development is the inclusion of shipping in the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) initiative, initiated in 2005 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Commencing January 1, 2024, the first stage of the ETS for shipping will cover emission licenses for 40% of emissions. By 2025, this coverage will extend to 70%, reaching 100% by 2026. The affected shipping initially includes passenger and cargo vessels with a gross weight exceeding 5,000 tonnes operating within the EU, covering 50% of emissions for routes to and from the EU. The costs incurred by shipping lines will be passed on through the logistics chain to stakeholders employing ships for their transportation needs. Further details on the billing model will be provided in the coming weeks.

Similar systems for road transport are also on the horizon, expected to be implemented around 2027/2028.

We remain committed to keeping you informed and addressing any queries you may have about these changes or your transportation needs. Please feel free to reach out to your typical contacts at Bowker for further assistance.

Thank you for your understanding and continued partnership.

Official links below for more information:

German Maut


ETS (Emissions Trading System)


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